Ignite Your Client Growth Engine with Christine Campbell Rapin & CLEAR Acceleration Inc. Find Your Next Buyer Move Them From Curious to Paid Client Predictably & Profitably Be Viewed as the Must Hire Consultant & Advisor

Master Your Marketing Message to Attract More Clients

Christine Campbell Rapin

CEO, Business Strategist, Mentor, Speaker and Author

Free Resource: Master Your Marketing Message to Find Clients

The measure of whether your marketing message is effective comes down to whether it creates movement with your ideal client towards viewing you as the MUST HIRE choice vs a likeable expert.

Master Your Marketing Message By Avoiding 3 Big Mistakes & Focus on These 3 Winning Strategies Instead.


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Great messaging  sparks curiosity for those prospective clients who are actively looking for results with a specific problem and builds 3 core beliefs:

      • You are credible as an expert that has knowledge to guide me to the results I seek.
      • You are capable to help me to achieve the results I seek.
      • I feel safe reaching out directly to learn more about your programs and services with the possibility of hiring you to be my guide BECAUSE I feel I know, like and trust you. and view you as an essential MUST HIRE on the path to success.

Watch this free training to learn:  


      • The 3 most common mistakes business owners are make that leads to a messaging disconnect that creates roadblocks to consistent client growth and high conversion rates with their offers.
      • What 3 strategies to focus on that create curiosity and helps you to stand out from the sea of sameness so that as a direct result an audience member moves from being a curious consumer to a paying client.
      • How you can Master Your Marketing Message to create more  impact and income by seeing consistently high client conversion rates to your offer.
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Subscribe to our newsletter and receive this free training video resource to help you stand out from the sea of sameness and create more impact (aka movement) with your marketing messaging. 

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Having an Effective & Consistent Marketing Message = Consistent Client Growth & More Income


What Clients Have to Say After Working With Christine

About Your Business Mentor

Christine Campbell Rapin is the CEO and owner of CLEAR Acceleration Inc. She is an energetic, tell-it-like-it-is advisor, mentor, consultant and speaker with more than 25 years’ experience in marketing, sales and operations working with start ups to the biggest companies on the planet. To date, she has worked with more than 400 business from around the world and across industries to create a combined revenue in excess of one billion dollars.

She is a sought after mentor because of her expertise, track record and capabilities to serve as a thinking partner to fellow business owners on their journey to creating highly profitable businesses that make a positive impact in the world.

Christine is a 2x international best-selling author, has a Bachelor of Commerce and an MBA in International Business from a top 100 school globally, lives in Canada and is married with 2 bonus daughters.

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