Failing to get this answer right, explains why so many struggling business owners aren’t seeing the sales success and client growth they desire in their business.
Far too many business owners I speak to each week are struggling with not enough clients.
I want to tell you as boldly as I can, that the lack of clients is not because it’s a tough market, or because the political landscape or because your programs are too expensive.
The truth is, your lack of sales comes down to the fact that you may be holding a basket of rotten eggs.
I asked you at the beginning of this email whether the chicken or the egg comes first in business, and if you lack clients, chances are you falsely believe that it is the egg (aka the program or service) that comes first.
When this happens I know that you have fallen into the field of dreams business strategy. You know the one, I’ll build it and they will come, but they don’t and you are left bewildered wondering where all the paying clients are.
Hope is not the most effective business strategy out there because hope isn’t enough to create results, action is the only thing that can.
When you believe that building the golden egg is the key to your cash problems you will prioritize either building your first program to launch, or rushing off to develop another program or service thinking that is where the problem lies. Because, you believe that if you just find the right offer, that surely someone will buy it when it’s ready.
Unfortunately, this is similar to a gamblers fallacy whereby the gambler (aka you the business owner) who believes always that the next hand will be the winning hand in a game of chance. This is the pathway to going broke fast.
Stop spinning in the constant cycle of creation on more programs and offers because you are simply wasting time and resources you cannot afford to lose.
When you want more sales, you have to find where the chicken (aka buyers) hang out first because the chicken ALWAYS comes first before it will lay a golden egg.
If you believe you have a winning idea for a solution that can be delivered through a program or service (aka a golden egg), identify 100+ people you know would be it today.
If you have that list, go talk to those 100 people and secure the YES’s and pre-sell the offer and THEN build it.
If you struggle to create that list, then you need to build your buyer list first or risk continuing to create offers or programs that never sell.
Without buyers, you don’t have anyone to sell to, and making a product or service that people actually want to buy and creates sales for your business is what business is all about.
This simple concept might have just blown your mind.
If so, you are welcome. This is what clients learn in the Business Scale Accelerator 1-1 Mentorship Program and the Ignite Your Client Growth Group Program. Check them out here.
Now, let’s go find more chickens so we make sales and create golden eggs.
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