Make Your Business Dreams a Reality: Business Tips That Fuel Client Growth
Turnaround Your Sales Slump in 90 Days
If you haven't created new sales in the last 3 months or 6+ months, you'd be on a performance improvement plan or fired in a traditional sales job. Having a plan isn't enough to solve this problem. Business Happens 12 Months of the Year. Not just from February to May and September through to November. Before you get all triggered thinking I'm a party pooper here to simply rain on your parade,...
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The Only Way Through Stagnation is Motion
The Uncomfortable Truth is Your Reality Reflects the Choices You're Making. So if you feel stuck, let me tell you another truth - stuck is a mindset not a reality. It's another week of doing hard things... In the quiet this morning, I was reflecting my life and the...
The Reason You Aren’t Finding Your Clients in Networking Spaces is Simple…
If You Are Looking for Clients in Networking Rooms... You need to know that clients are aren't networking like you. They aren't hanging out at business owner happy hours, networking meetings or meet ups. Networking communities are NOT the primary place you will find...
3 Ways To Make More Sales As an Small Business Owner
Two Things predict your revenue in the next 90 days: ➡️How many people you are meeting and how many offers you are making. Sales is the oxygen in your business. It really is that simple. Helping business owners to convert more clients is the key results clients are...
Vanity Metrics Do Not Translate Into Client Conversion Success, Conversation & Offers Do
Can we get real for a second? Vanity metrics such as likes and comments on social media are not the best measure of the effectiveness of your content marketing. What matters is the number of conversations you are having with your ideal client prospects and the actual...
Build an Effective Business Strategy by Answering 4 Key Questions
I have a strongly held belief that strategy is NOT the same as strategic planning. Strategy is the roadmap and strategic planning is the packing list for the journey. It's hard to reach your destination if you don't first know where you want to go.🎯 So let me share a...
Embracing Reality: Not Everyone Accepts Your First Offer (Say What????)
Can I Tell You a Negotiating Reality? Not Everyone Is Going to Accept the First (or Even Second) Offer I've been studying the world of business since I was 15. Over the years, I've had the opportunity to take courses and develop skills in marketing, sales, operations,...
More Tips to Create Your Business Empire
You need an effective strategy to stand out from the sea of sameness in a crowded B2B marketplace. Join business advisor Christine Campbell Rapin every week as she speaks with business leaders and offers her own insights on marketing, messaging and high impact visibility. Build an audience, accelerate the growth of your service-based business and amplify your impact. Don’t miss an episode of effective strategies that are working right now to help you to scale your business successfully and consistently attract high paying clients.