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What does the Art of Living mean to you?

This was the question by good friend Elle Nagy asked me and some other fabulous women earlier this summer. She was looking for contributors to her next edition of the Unapologetic Woman Rempowerment Magazine which just dropped on October 1st, 2023.

The Unapologetic Woman Rempowerment Magazine is an exclusive publication, curated by pioneering women, for pioneering women. It’s a space where we celebrate the magnificence of being a woman in all aspects of life living all around the world. In this issue, we explore the artistry of life—inviting presence, appreciation, creativity, and personal power into every facet, from the bedroom to the boardroom.


  • Elle Nagy – The art of embodying artistry
  • Amy Lokken – Crafting presence:  the art of cultivating an inspired life canvas.
  • Diane Woodford – Masterpiece in progress
  • Sally Arkell-Boles – Embracing the beauty of women in leadership
  • Christine Campbell Rapin – The art of mastery as a businesswoman
  • Megan Edwards – Life through the yogic lens
  • Toby Myles – Art as meditation : how one artist created a daily art journaling practice for ease and flow
  • Carmel Brown – Bridging the gap artistically
  • Gail Page – The art of navigating difficult conversations
  • Danna Beal – The art of synchronicity : trusting in the unknown
  • Andrea Leigh Austin – Life as a practiced art : leading life with love
  • Janet M Taylor – The journey of an organised female business owner: balancing life and success
  • Lys Campbell – The art of creation
  • Anke Herrmann – Building a business is like creating a piece of art
  • Anna Thellmann – The art of not giving a fuck : felling sexual intimacy in your relationship

When I was reflecting on Elle’s question, I was compelled to write about the Art of Mastery as a Businesswomen.  I wanted to raise a rallying cry to “WAKE UP” and stop playing in the slow lane.

I see so many incredible women I know, waiting for permission, struggling to go it alone and figure everything out on their own, and fearing to vocalize their big dreams of creating impact and then frustrated because they are slowing losing the will to continue on the uphill climb.

You’ve heard me say this before, business growth CAN and IS elegantly simple. If you don’t know how to create income, client growth and find your lane so that your business feels like oxygen, an essential part of your being then please reach out. Guiding people to build the foundations and mastering their path is what I excel and and is what feels like oxygen to me.

I know that only when you willing to get out of your own way, that EVERYTHING becomes possible.

Read the digital magazine (click here).

I’d love to you read the article (and the whole magazine) and share your thoughts with me.

What does the art of living mean to you and what if instead of fear you leaned into hope and made it happen?

You CAN.

The moment you decide to live unapologetically.

P.S. Have you subscribed to our newsletter and grabbed the free “Daily Method of Operation Cheat Sheet to Grow a 6+ Figure Business” yet?  Grab it here.

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