Ignite Your Client Growth Engine with Christine Campbell Rapin & CLEAR Acceleration Inc. Find Your Next Buyer Move Them From Curious to Paid Client Predictably & Profitably Be Viewed as the Must Hire Consultant & Advisor

This has been a rough weekend and also a huge wake up call.

It all started with a phone call on Friday afternoon. One of the local hospitals was reaching out as my husband was listed as the emergency contact for a friend who we hadn’t seen much in the past year.

He had just celebrated his 57th birthday and was admitted to the hospital experiencing chest pains. Within a few short hours a he was pronounced brain dead and they were desperately trying to find his next of kin to make the decision to remove him from life support and hopefully donate his organs.

This is a friend who was very much a lone wolf.

His parents and sister had pre-deceased him and he was estranged from a brother for more than 25 years. We chose to make him part of our family and thus he spent many holidays and nights hanging out in our home.

His unexpected passing was such a wake up call.

No one has promised time.

Every day is an active choice to either go after your dreams or face the truth that you are wasting the gift that each day truly is.

They say that life happens when you are busy making plans.

It has been true in my life and I would bet you would say the same.

We keep waiting for SOMEDAY to make the big investment – the biggest investment we will ever make.

I’m not talking about buying a home or choosing a partner to build your life with although those are absolutely cherished milestones on the journey of life.

I’m talking about the decision to unconditionally trust yourself.

To go after what you want, unapologetically.

To stop playing small, waiting for permission, the perfect timing, the perfect opportunity to come along and fall from the sky when you will have all your ducks in a row and recognize the opportunity and to finally be ready to say YES.

If you are squirming even just a little reading this, this is your wake up call too.

My friend, stop waiting for SOMEDAY.

The fire in my belly is lit.

I’m putting down my excuses and fear of showing up and playing big.

For more than 25+ years, I’ve helped make money for other people in the world of business. A lot of it… more than a billion dollars in combined revenue. Through a lot of successes and failures I’ve learned about the 3 foundations every business owner needs to master and what 2 factors predict future revenue.

I know how to keep things elegantly simple and can mentor, guide and teach them to you so that you can build a client growth engine to build the LIFE you want with your business as the vehicle.

I’ve decided to do something unprecedented in tribute to my friend Kevin.

Some may call it temporary insanity, don’t care,

I know someone needs this offer I am going to make.

I’m giving all I have with an exclusive offer to a very select group of people. 

People like YOU, who have been following my journey, watching and perhaps waiting for the perfect day to go all in with their dreams and say yes to working together to build their business.

In this exclusive offer, I’m offering unlimited access to me for 12 months to you build the engine for your business.

Here is what it will look like:

  • You will be able to book unlimited 15 minute laser coaching calls with me for 12 months which will be held on zoom.
  • During every laser coaching session you will be able to ask me anything about the world of business and your business strategy from sales to marketing to operations to finance to legal and people aspects.
  • The calls will be recorded so you can review the session to help you reflect and take the next step.
  • With every call you will be given homework or a task to complete to help you build the skills, gain clarity, implement and take action from the session.
  • After this homework or task is completed you can book your next session.
  • In between the laser coaching you can also reach out by email or through what’s app for additional support. I commit to respond within 48 hours.

The investment of this unlimited 15 Minute laser coaching is $5,000 USD (paid in full) which is a fraction of my year long Business Scale Accelerator Mentorship Program.

The goal of this exclusive partnership is to help you get clear, position yourself as the must hire and make offers that convert consistently. 

In order to have consistent client growth you need to know:

  • What to focus on.
  • How to create an audience of buyers.
  • Know how to move someone from curiosity to paid client.
  • Get clear what you stand for and the value you can help others to achieve.
  • When to make the right offer to the right person to achieve incredible results.

When you put these pieces together (which is my greatest gift in business), you have the skills, capabilities and confidence to make decisions quickly that move you towards the LIFE you want.

Stop waiting for someday.

Today is the day reach out and say “HECK YES, I’M IN FOR UNLIMITED 15 MINUTE LASER COACHING.”  

This special offer will be available until January 2024 with 2 spots available each month.

The time is NOW. If you want to be one these business owners, make the commitment to yourself to go after your big dreams. 

This is the exclusive invitation you’ve been waiting for. 

Looking forward to working with you to accelerate the growth of your business.

P.S. Have you subscribed to our newsletter and grabbed the free “Daily Method of Operation Cheat Sheet to Grow a 6+ Figure Business” yet?  Grab it here.

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